Sunday, November 8, 2009

Taylor Swift is pretty damn funny...

It's bad when your show sucks so bad that a 19/20 year old singer is the funniest person on your show. You gotta hand it to this girl. She's so precocious, so wise, so driven. I hope my kid is a gravy train like her so I don't have to work. That would be so sweet. I could just point them in the direction of the stage regardless if they're crying and begging not to go on, and force them to play for another paycheck. I can't wait for parenthood. It's seems so exciting to think I can name him/her anything and you have to call him/her by that name. I can live out my dreams, correct my mistakes, and not be hindered by my own personal shortcomings through their taltents. That's going to be through them. I'm going to be an awesome parent. I'm so selfless.

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