Sunday, November 1, 2009

Wearing black is appropriate for funerals

This was posted in the comments of the AJC after the Dawgs received a beat down from a pitiful #1 ranked team. Mabe firing Richt is too hasty, but when you start seeing major boosters withholding monies, you'll see a coach fired so fast your head will spin.

THEN: After touchdown, Herschel hands the ball to official, runs to sideline
NOW: After giving up 8 yards on 1st down, defense struts while beating their chests

THEN: Classic red and silver uniforms
NOW: Arena football league uniforms

THEN: Classic Georgia tradition songs over stadium loud speakers
NOW: Gangsta hip hop rap blaring over stadium loud speakers

THEN: Dooley, wore a tie
NOW: Richt, wears shades and spray on tan

NOW: willie

THEN: Special Team All-Americans
NOW: Special John Fabris

THEN: Larry Munson
NOW: Not Larry Munson

THEN: Fred Davison
NOW: Michael Adams

THEN: World’s Greatest Outdoor Cocktail Party
NOW: Annual Beatdown

THEN: Win or Lose, UGA had reputation for class and poise
NOW: Win or Lose, UGA has reputation of thugs

THEN: After loss, coaches and players blamed themselves
NOW: After loss, insult the fans, blame the refs, blame eye-poking, blame it on travel, etc

THEN: Annual Media Guide featured pics of UGA legends on the sidelines
NOW: Annual Media Guide features pics of hip hop gansta ‘stars’ on the sidelines

THEN: Long collegiate careers
NOW: Long dreadlocks

THEN: Player commits stupid personal foul? Coach tears into player!
NOW: Player commits stupid personal foul? Coach tears into referee!

THEN: Bulldog Nation.
NOW: Thug Nation.

THEN: Annual donations from me.
NOW: ZERO donations from me.

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