Sunday, December 20, 2009

James Cameron metaphorically hates America

Today, while wearing dorky 3-D glasses, I watched three hours of the best CGI animation ever created. Aside from that though, there's not too much to report about Avatar. The plot essentially parallels James Cameron's contempt for America's foreign policy. The audience is coerced into cheering for the demise and destruction of US troops as they're portrayed as attacking innocent indigenous people. This movie will set records, but only because it's uniquely delivered. The screenplay is anything but, while character development is weak. If you like movies that send political messages, this is your film. If you're too stupid to know when movies send political messages, this is also your film. Because Hollywood idolizes liberalism and anti-American messages, you're gonna see rave reviews of this movie, but trust me, you're not missing much.

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