Thursday, December 3, 2009

Melanie Nunes Bostain

December 3, 2009, to borrow FDR's words minus a few days, a day that will live in emphamy. I get this text yesterday from my dear friend unsuspecting 23-26 year old single girl assassin, one Christopher Bostain:

Please Google. I would cash it all in immediately im not kidding

Melanie Nunes Fronckowiak

So, of course, I google her. She's the recent winner of the World's Best Bottom contest. She's a 20 year old Brazilian model. This chick was indeed perfect for my friend Chris: Naive to the ways of the world, Impressionable, Smoking body, and the ever-convenient Language barrier. JACKPOT! I immediately told him that I saw a blog post about them in my near future. So, while searching the entire web for 30 minutes for just one picture of her facing forward, I get another text. It reads:

Pls post that i hv claimed her barring some catastrophe our wedding will move forward as planned in 2010

So, to quote Meg Ryan from Top Gun, "There are hearts breaking wide open all over this world tonight...because unless you are a fool, this boy is off the market." Our relationshipaphobic boy, Christopher Bostain, has turned in his card. Young, single, good looking girls in good shape can breathe a confident sigh of relief. The predatory lion of ladies will never again be hiding in the bush, waiting for the perfect opportunity to pounce.


  1. In a detailed , five paragraph essay please let me know how life is going. Be sure to clearly state your thesis and summary points and avoid al trite coloquialisms. If you start the final paragraph with something like
    "In conclusion" or "Finally", I'll fail you. I expect it in my inbox first thing tomorrow morning.

    I still have a strong desire to meet Mr. Bostain... he is almost as famous as me!

  2. is there such thing as a healthy obsession? cause I think its safe to say I have one...........

  3. Where is my five paragraph essay? Clearly you must be wracked with the flu or colitis. I will extend your deadline until Monday... at which point, I will fail you without hesitation... and don't call my phone... I lost it again... shocking, i know.
