Sunday, January 3, 2010

There's Blood in my alcohol seriously.

Marguerite Engle simply must have lost her focus. This South Dakota woman recorded a mind-boggling .708 blood alcohol content after being arrested earlier this month when a state trooper found her passed out behind the wheel of a stolen truck. Unfortunately since her life will soon be over, she could've at least taken solice in the fact that she had the US record, but she passed out too soon and missed it by only a fraction of a percent. You see, despite being nearly nine times over the state's .08 legal limit, she fell just short of the U.S intoxication record. That mark was set last year by an Oregon woman, also found passed out behind the wheel, who registered a .72 BAC. Engle's whopping BAC was measured by a Rapid City Police Department chemist who tested a blood sample drawn from Engle. This isn't Engle's first run in with the law, if the mug shot didn't tell you that. She was arrested earlier this year for assaulting a government employee and being intoxicated and disruptive. Engle was named in a two-count South Dakota Magistrate Court indictment charging her with driving under the influence and driving with a BAC beyond the .08 limit. A traffic ticket issued to Engle notes that she "bonded out-hospitalized". Holy crap! Bonded out-hospitalized? That's bad ass. Considering the body is normally .6 water and her BAC was .708, that creates a physiology problem that I can't even comprehend. These are Wikipedia's symptoms of BAC over .4:

Heart Rate

I'm not a doctor, but i know breathing, death, and heart rate are pretty serious problems. If I ever start competing in drinking contests again like college, Engle's on my team. She's like Frank the Tank.

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