Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Yeah Mr President, I agree, this is basically your only hope.

There's been some speculation that President Obama will suggest a spending freeze during his State of the Union speech tomorrow night. Seems pretty convenient to me, Mr President. Wasn't it you that was responsible for the largest expansion of government since Wold War II? Wasn't it you that tried to force a robust and grossly irresponsible health care plan down our throats? All you've done since taking office is force tax payers into a constant ATM withdrawal. You've insisted that the only people contributing to the economy bear the burden of those that don't. Let's be honest Mr. President, that's been your position since your undergraduate years at Columbia. Your connections to Communism supporters are too strong to ignore. Your voting record speaks for itself. Expand government. Create dependence. Redistribute the wealth. Punish success. Reward mediocrity. That's not my America, Mr President. What's so funny to me is, not your actions prior to Scott Brown's election results because I knew what to expect. After all, I knew your voting record and knew you were a Socialist. What I find despicable is your actions since Scott Brown's election. For someone that says, "The one thing I am clear about is that I'd rather be a really good one-term President than a mediocre two-term President, and I believe that," I don't see a President continuing his unfavorable course of action. I don't see an elected offical dedicated to his course of action and his ideologies. Conversely, I see a President doing an "oh sh!t 180" and trying to gain some favorability. I see a President trying to throw a life preserver. In just two short weeks since that catastrophe in Mass, you changed from a bankrupting, money printing, ignore the populous Socialist, to someone planning a spending freeze. I'm not an expert on the Socialist mantra, but I'm pretty sure spending freezes aren't a part of the plan. The fact is Mr President, is that your Presidency, your legacy, your reputation, and your party are in grave danger. You doubted the power of a charged and focused voting democracy. You were too arrogant to think Independents would turn their backs on you. You refused to listen to the American people when they were screaming to the top of their lungs. Now, on the eve of your State of the Union speech, which can't contain anything besides promises of bipartisanship, you're left on the outside looking in at the American people. You're promises of Hope and Change haven't delivered. You're Utopian dreams of single payer health care was adamantly rejected. You're once omnipotent star power has faded like a shooting star over a bleak horizon. At least one dream will come true. You will be a one term President and you will be good...good at destroying the Democratic party.

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