Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What we had is dead, as I am dead. Marry another.

Dear Alessandra,

Let me first say, I'm sorry. I know that I have caused you a great deal of pain and suffering through this whole ordeal surrounding me "finding myself". Just last night, I was going through some of our Maui vacation pics and I stumbled across these. I want to remember you like this. Playful, happy and fresh, not spiteful, vendictive and psychotic. I tried to explain to you that I can't have a serious relationship right now. With my job, my responsibilities, I just can't give you what you demand deserve. You're such a scary special person to me. I'll always sleep with one eye open hold a special place in my heart for you, but now it seems, just isn't the right time for our lives to become one. I'm sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry that you don't understand right now. In time though, you will. You will thank me. Someday, you will look back on this raw, explicit, spontaneous, animalistic, love affair and realize that we weren't right for one another. I hope that one day you can forgive me for all the pain I've caused you.

With sorrow and regret,




  1. Since this isn't real Ill curse...You are a fucking idiot!!!y

  2. The greatest thing I've found on the internet.
