Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Enough with the big is beautiful bs...

Donna Simpson, believe it or not, no relationship to Jessica Simpson, is a fat ass. Not only is she like 6 lbs heavier than that Precious star, Gabourey Sidibe, but she wants to be 400lbs heavier so she can weigh 1000lbs. I'm so tired of idiots saying big women are beautiful. First of all, no one ever says morbidly obese men are beautiful. You know why? Cause they're not. Second, no one is happy with morbid obesity. It kills you. Everyone knows this to be true. Saying that you're proud of your weight and you love being big and beautiful is a lie. Despite the front you portray, you're crying and dying inside. There's always a reason you're using food as a crutch. There's a reason you weigh 600. A Fat Tax should be added to the obese. Obesity is one of the leading causes of sky rocketing medical care costs. Instead though, healthy people are burdened with those costs even though they're living healthy lifestyles. That's the problem with this country these days. No one accepts reposnsibility for his/her own actions. People know they can eat themselves into early diabetes, heart disease, vascular disease, amputations, and they know that medicaid/medicare aka TAXPAYERS will provide them with health care and a Rascal so they can wheel around Wal-Mart furthering their laziness and obesity. Being negligent of your health is the ultimate show of apathy. Unless you have a disease that prevents you from losing weight, being obese and burdening the tax payers funding health care is no different than being jobless and burdening the tax payers funding welfare. If you're overweight decide to change who controls your life. Get hypnotized. Get accupuncture. Call Allergan and find out where you can get a lap band. Do something. Don't accept self loathing. Don't accept being a burden on society.

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