Monday, March 8, 2010

Your politician thinks you're stoopid.

Politics are becoming so numbing and disgusting, they're forcing us to a level of apathy never before seen in our country's history. John Edward's aide, Andrew Young's forthcoming tell-all indeed tells it all about the Man of the People:

"Fat rednecks" sicken John Edwards. That means you. And me. And pretty much everyone he claimed to "represent."

John Edwards is an Atkins-dieter who hated making appearances at state fairs where "fat rednecks try to shove food down my face. I know I'm the people's senator, but do I have to hang out with them?"

This man was almost elected President of the United States. I know both parties are despicable, but America and its people cannot afford to elect another President that hates the people he/she represents. The liberal left insist they stand for the "misfortunate". The truth is, they prey on the misfortunate. Keeping their constituents hungry, thirsty, hopeful and stupid is their Modus operandi. In order to retain their level of power, democratic constituents must remain dependent on the government that ironically and intentionally, keeps them there. The Democratic party doesn't believe in its party's people. They ridicule them. I'd be damned if I stood in line to cast my vote for a party that despised me. I'd be damned if I believed in words like hope and change from the mouth of scoundrels that rely on me to stay there or think I'm too stupid to know the difference.

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