Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Lindsay wins Oscar, Ali is...well...bless her heart.

Lindsay Lohan is working for a change...kind of. She's such a disgrace, she even embarrasses Hollywood. That's like impossible because celebrities are so dumb they can't wipe their asses using both hands. Regardless though, Lindsay was photographed promoting (probably begged for celebrity appearance) a milkshake shop in Hollywood with her sister Ali. Lindsay is so clueless the owners of the store corroborated in the back room and gave her a miniature Oscar because they gave up after 13 hours of trying to think of something more humiliating. It turns out, however, that the joke was on them because Lindsay didn't get it. In fact, she was so happy high, it's rumored she gave an acceptance speech thinking she won the real Oscar. Lindsay's mascot sister was there too. It turns out she was celebrating her transformation into an Afghan woman from A Thousand Splendid Suns. William Faulkner couldn't team with Bill Shakespeare and write tragedy like this family. Honestly, you feel sorry for them in one breath. Then you exhale and realize you were just hypoxic and not thinking clearly. Nothing you can ever experience in your life brings you more joy that preying on the misfortune of fame whores like the Lohans. When my schadenfreude tank gets low, I dial into a little TMZ because I know a Lohan is a meltdown away.

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