Friday, May 7, 2010

Am I the only one that doesn't get it...?

First if all, I have no effing clue who Christina Hendricks is...seriously. Second of all, if she was some smoking hot girl, I wouldn't care because I could still appreciate hotness within the enigma of anonymity. Except honestly, I've never seen this chick once unless her GINORMOUS breasts were accentuated up to her chin and her ridiculous red hair colored to a red found only in Crayola 128. She's just a walking hyperbole of what a woman should look like, which ironically, just doesn't work. Any one of the things she has going for her would typically work, but all in unison, FAIL. She looks like the Bride of Frankenstein and that freaks me the F out. This is exactly how I know that monthly magazines have "Jumped the Shark". When Esquire makes this chit Sexiest Woman Alive, I want to rip off my genitals and send them to Esquire. This chick, in the real world, wouldn't be the hottest chick on third shift as a roller skating server at Sonic. Just another chalked up reason why Hollywood sucks more than Cancer.

1 comment:

  1. Christina Hendricks is best known for a) being curvy and b) playing Joan on AMC's Mad Men (you know, hugely acclaimed and much talked up but probably more mentioned than actually loved/watched, the way something like NCIS doesn't get tons of critical buzz but is enjoyed by millions and goes on for years).
