Saturday, May 1, 2010

Tyra Banks is a comedic genius... P.s. Nice outfit.

I actually can't believe my eyes. I work hard everyday in the trenches and this woman is a celebrity. This woman is a model. It makes me physically ill to think that Tyra Banks is a millionaire. It also makes me physically ill to watch her salivate all over her audience. I would punch her in the face and rip off her weave if she did this to me. Behavior like that is something you see cannibal savages in Papua New Guinea do...not people with their own television show. I would have loved to be in the brainstorming session where Tyra's self-absorbed idiocy formulated this one.

Tyra: Oh...guys listen...hoooo hooooo (obnoxious laugh) claps hands,.....this is gonna be so damn funny yall. hoooo hoooo.

Creative Team: Waiting while continuing to lean into the conference table awaiting aforementioned funny idea.

Tyra: Get this yall! Git dis. Ok ok...I come out and tell my audience im not feeling well. Oh no even bettah...that I was out jogging and a dog bit me! Oh damn ya'll this gone be so funny. I'll say that they gave me a rabies shot! Oh damn! Then I'll pop a foaming pill in my mouth like an alka selzer or something and when I start foam, I'll act all crazy like I'm rabies.

Creative Team: Wide eyes...silence.

Tyra: You see? I can't wait! This gonna be the best show. Ok. Thanks for your input ya'll.

Creative Team: All looking at one another. Mouths open. Silence.

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