Monday, October 11, 2010

Meth is the new steroids

Someone, on some blog, told me this was Aaron Carter. I have no idea who that is so according to WIKI, Aaron Carter is the brother of Nick Carter. Guess what, I don't know Nick Carter either, but according to WIKI, he was in the Backstreet Boys. Guess what, yeah I know who they are, but I wish I didn't. Anyway, the only reason I read this story and saved this picture was because I was certain this story had to be about Meth addiction or Intervention's new season on A&E. If one of you know one thing this dude has done to be considered famous, I'll send you a gift certificate to Waffle House.

1 comment:

  1. I own his T-Shirt. I'll dig it up and take a picture of myself wearing it and send it to you. I believe that I used to sing his song "OH Aaron" to another mostly handsome blonde that I once used to "smush" with NYC style. Pick up my slack?!?!
