Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hollywood Sucks: Reason # 4,554

Yes, I know this video is like three years old, but of course, I have been thinking about how bad Hollywood sucks. The language is very NSWF. It's laced with the foul words only a first class asshole could use when someone ruins his wittle movie scene.

Christian Bale, aka Batman, has been earning a living as a Hollywood actor since his role in Empire of the Sun when he was 13 years old. So, since 1987 he's been living in a fantasy world of luxury for which most people would trade their left arm. It's amazing how someone can be so fortunate in life and yet be so incredibly insufferable and out-of-touch with reality. It's a shame really, to have all that money, to have the ability and means to make a difference in someone's life and all you can muster is angry, childish tirades. On the contrary, you never hear bad things about Johnny Depp. All you hear about him are stories of him leaving 5,000 dollar tips, showing up to a little girl's 3rd grade class dressed at captain Jack Sparrow to help her stage a mutiny against her teachers, and him visiting hospitals as Jack Sparrow to help make a sick kid's day magical. Depp does things like that while Bale acts like a 5 year old because someone making peanuts compared to him walked through his scene as he tried to do his job and fix the lighting. Today, I was listening to Howard Stern and he pointed out something very telling. Christian Bale is British. How much of a self absorbed arrogant asshole must you be that you're so "angry" at a grip on set, you can't break "character" to curse them out in your natural voice and accent. It wasn't even a good American accent. Can you fathom that kind of insanity? That would be like me playing a British character and getting so pissed that I don't bother breaking character and cursing them out with a stupid amateur British accent. God, what a douche in a half. Listen Bale, we know about Method acting, but buddy, you're no DeNiro, you're no Daniel Day Lewis, and you're certainly no Brando. They're the only three method actors that would get a pass, but they're legends and professionals and would never treat people like this asshole. I would love to fight this prick.

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