Monday, July 18, 2011

Howard Stern vs Lady GaGa

I know Howard Stern has a reputation of demeaning women, being repulsive, sexist, disgusting, but those are words and phrases spoken by people that probably don't listen or know too much about him. Truth is, he's a self loathing, insecure savant that constantly strives to decimate his competition by creating an original and entertaining 3 hour show that is based on honest discourse and in his words, "exposes hypocrisy." Personally, I love Howard Stern. He's an undeniable genius. He, year after year, pulls the best, the most interesting, the most raw and honest emotions out of everyone he interviews. Earlier this year, he had Billy Joel on and I was in a trance for an hour. Today, it was Lady GaGa. I've never been a huge fan, but I listened to this entire 90 minute interview this morning and was so captivated, I couldn't get out of my car. I've always found her over-the-top showmanship a little indulgent, but this interview, coupled with two ridiculously emotional and riveting performances, completely changed my mind. If you don't have 90 minutes, fast forward to 66:00 for her songs. If you don't have Sirius, subscribe to Howard Stern on your smart phone through the Sirius app. It will instantly become the most interesting three hours of your day. I hope you enjoy this interview as much as I did.

If you getting this on facebook, go to my blog at for the audio.

Lady GaGa appears on the Howard Stern Show by gaganewsdotcom

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