Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Republicans, blame yourselves.

As the election of 2012 approaches, I sit scratching my head in bewilderment. I don't have a problem with Barack Obama. I loathe his policies, but to be honest, he's behaving and governing just as he has with every office he's held up to this point. Doing what he said he was going to do, albeit detrimental and devastating to this country and economy, is more than I can say for George W Bush and countless other Republicans who ran on limiting the Federal Government and its spending. I know Ron Paul is considered a loose cannon, much like Perot in 1992. This isn't 1992, though. We're facing worldwide economic peril due to unprecedented debt in both foreign and domestic economies, falling currencies, rising gold prices due to market trepidation and a President that believes spending and taxing will bail us out. It like a perfect storm of what NOT to do in a a recession. I know most liberals, like Stewart, support Paul, much like they did in 92, because he, like Perot, can divide the Republican vote and earn Obama another 4 more years. As perilous as that may be, I'm ready to send a message to the Republican party. Most young, tax paying, contributing Americans, that are sick of empty promises made by both parties are willing to crawl across the desert for a third party, especially if the best we have the Republicans have to offer are Romney, Bauchman and Perry. Is Paul electable, probably not. Is he over-the-top, yep. You can say all those things and support them fairly effectively, but you can't say that he caves to interest groups, breaks promises about increasing the size of government, or wants to continue sending our troops to fight a war we can never win. Bin laden is dead. We need to bring our troops home and like Paul said, put them on the border of Mexico. That's where our war is being lost. I'm disgusted by this election already. Washington sickens me.

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