Wednesday, October 5, 2011

When bad things happen to rural people.

It's not that people pick on the south, or more specifically, Alabama, unjustly. These poor people ask for everything they get. It seems that the National Championship Trophy was on display at a local Wal-Mart somewhere in Alabama for all the rednecks to see. Well this brought out some doozies. You see, the rednecks couldn't just pose and smile, they had to further humiliate themselves with ridiculous poses to go along with their ridiculous teeth, their ridiculous hair, their ridiculous camouflage ensembles, and last but certainly not least, their morbid obesity. Commentary of my favorite moments in the "Rednecks with Crystal Trophy Experience" are below:

Picture #2 Needs no explanation, except for, I'm pretty sure that's a Transformers logo on her shirt.  

Picture #4 Of course there's a phone on the belt or his corduroy shorts and Green Eggs and Ham T-shirt. His mom undoubtedly took the picture where they then hung it in his World of Warcraft room in her basement.

Picture #5 37" forehead...I measured.

Picture #6 Reverse Natural Selection in the flesh. Is that a halo around her belly button? What did one 70 year old breast say to the other? If we don't get some support soon, they're gonna think we're nuts. Enough said.

Picture #8 I actually find some genuine humor in this pic. This guy is probably the manager of Little Caesars or maybe a Blimpie. In other words, he's normal...kind of.

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