Thursday, October 6, 2011

"Out Out Brief Candle...."

"Great men are meteors that burn so that the earth may be lighted." Napoleon Bonaparte

Not unlike Macbeth, Jobs realized the precious brevity of life.  Jobs knew his genius would burn too brightly to illiuminate this world forever.  It was this ability to see what those did not that nurtured one of the greatest minds our world has ever known.  For 30 years Jobs has been making his competitors "Think" for rapidly, more acutely, and more effectively.  Through Apple's meteroric rise, it became the second most valuable company in the world.  When he was fired from the company he created, he left and started a small animation company called PIXAR.  Three hundred million dollars from Disney later, a struggling Apple begged Jobs to reinvent their platform with his unparalleled visions of a growing technological world.  Indeed, he did and with the birth of the Ipod, so was the digital music age.  The rest is history.  Steve Jobs was philanthropist, a visionary, and most importantly, a husband and father.  Tonight, the world lost one of the influential men in history.

I posted this video many weeks ago.  It's one of the most riveting 15 min you'll ever see.  Enjoy. 

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