Wednesday, November 16, 2011

All I can say is that my life is pretty plain...

Im so disturbed by this video, I don't even know where to start. This bald dude has one of the creepiest "get ups" I've ever seen. It's like a balding fat ballerina from a kung fu movie. Come to think of it, it's like a fat Asian version of that Blind Melon video, No Rain, if you put the little fat girl in a pink ballerina costume instead of a bumblebee. It would be creepy enough to stop there, but no, this dude's eyes will rob your soul before you know it. Then, add the dirty, seedy restaurant in the background and then the whole deep throating of the beer mug in order to chug it properly and you've got Sandusky alert level 9. I feel like if you watch this video, it'll be like The Ring, in that ballerina will come through the screen and murder you.

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