Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The ambiguity of FAMILY seems crystal clear to me...why not you?

I know there will be many of you that read these words with austere eyes. There will be many that vehemently disagree with my position on this issue, and that's ok too. There was a lot of opposition in 1865, but can you imagine having this glorious country where ALL men (AND WOMEN) are created equal, any other way? There was opposition in the years that led up to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It's 2011 and there are people in this country that are denied their God-given rights because of, in my personal belief, the way they were born. I think the speech from this young man is compelling and inspiring. This is a Gov't issue. This is more specifically a State's issue, not the Church's; because last I checked, none of us had any influence on His decisions. This seems like the most logical, most sensible conclusion, but hey, what do I know?

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