Monday, November 14, 2011

Frank Miller FTW

Frank Miller is a 54 year old comic book artist/creator, film director, and screenwriter, with blockbusters under his belt like, 300, Sin City and the Spirit, which are all pretty much kick ass. He's also responsible for the dark direction the latest Batman movies have taken, which make those sissy ones with Michael Keaton seem, well, like Michael Keaton starred in them. Irrespective of his Hollywood success, it seems he's dodged the constant barrage of Hollywood elitism and narcissism conveniently disguised as liberalism, and kept his rational thought. Rarely there's a time when I'm surprised by Hollywood. You see, "outliers" in Hollywood are usually castigated into oblivion. There's only been a few successful non democrat filmmakers in the last ten years. One of those is a racist maniac that deserved everything he got, but that's for another blog. This is about Frank Miller and his assessment of the Wall Street Occupiers. He just got infinitely more awesome.

Everybody’s been too damn polite about this nonsense:
“Occupy” is nothing but a pack of louts, thieves, and rapists, an unruly mob, fed by Woodstock-era nostalgia and putrid false righteousness. These clowns can do nothing but harm America.
This is no popular uprising. This is garbage.
Maybe, between bouts of self-pity and all the other tasty tidbits of narcissism you’ve been served up in your sheltered, comfy little worlds, you’ve heard terms like al-Qaeda and Islamicism.
And this enemy of mine — not of yours, apparently - must be getting a dark chuckle, if not an outright horselaugh - out of your vain, childish, self-destructive spectacle.
In the name of decency, go home to your parents, you losers.

Don't forget to pack up your Ipods, IPads, Mac Book Airs, Mac Book Pros, and your Iphones on your way to get treated for tuberculosis. Morons. This video is from the Howard Stern Show. He's a Democrat btw.

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