Saturday, December 10, 2011

If you're wondering what's wrong with the Republican Party, watch this video.

Im not even sure where to start with this train wreck of a human being. First of all, lose the Brokeback Mountain/Heath Ledger costume while you're denigrating the gay's in very poor taste and disrespectful to a phenomenal actor. Second, while you're trying to find your place in the race for the Presidency, you should try identifying with the people that have the ability to elect you in between looking for just one articulate thought. Holy smokes this guy is an imbecile. I've been sitting here for a few minutes trying my best to think of the audience he's trying to target and besides the ultra right wing Christians, I'm at a loss. I feel like I'm a relatively dynamic person, with a large variety of friends, yet I don't know one person that thinks like this nimrod. If you cast your vote for this guy, please do me a favor and never, ever, for the rest of your miserable life, speak or communicate with me.

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