Thursday, January 24, 2013

All bourbons are whiskeys, but not all whiskeys are bourbons.

When it comes to poisoning my liver and giving my body what it "needs" and "demands", nothing massages me into a night of lies and foggy memories like a good quality bottle of bourbon.  I don't have a lot of preference, especially if the bottle has a cork (my own indicator of acceptability minus Bulleit...damn you for the screw off top).  In my order of most favorite to acceptable, my preferences are as follows:

Colonel E.H. Taylor

If you think bourbon sucks because you've never drunk it without making the "I'm gonna vomit face", this bourbon is for you.  Granted, it's pricey, but it's far and away the greatest I've ever tasted.  The rest are below...not that you care.

Woodford Reserve
Knob Creek
Rowan's Creek
Maker's 46
Basil Hayden's
Maker's Mark
Eagle's reserve
Buffalo Trace
Jim Beam

As a respectable bourbon drinker, I'm somewhat embarrassed to admit, but I recently tried Crown Royal Maple and I have to say, it's fantastic.  If you're diabetic and you want a less sugary substitute for Aunt Jemima's Syrup, make some pancakes and this pour God-inspired nectar over them.  It'll taste like a mixture of an orgasm and cotton candy with those sprinkles from ice cream buffets on top.  That analogy sounded tastier in my head than it does next to my blinking cursor.  Nonetheless, get won't regret it.  

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