Monday, February 4, 2013

Destiny's Grandchild

For anyone that has followed this blog for years (thanks mom), you would know my level of disdain for Beyonce Thunder Thighs Knowles.  Last night, while she was fornicating with the stage, I literally stared at the television amidst a major dichotomy.  Did I (a) want her 40,000 dollar weave to catch on fire like that Great White concert or (b) chug the Drano that I was holding in my left hand.  Was I really watching a pop group that had like three hits?  I mean, at this point why bother having a singer at all?  If all they're gonna do is lip-synch and fornicate, just put out strippers to dance around the pyrotechnics.  Destiny's Child...seriously?  Was that like Beyonce's Olive Branch to those poor other members?  Is that what our music options have come to?  How many hits do they have like 4?  The Halftime Superbowl Show is the most overrated event in the world.  Every person over the age of 50 was scratching his/her head last night in disbelief.  They were like, Beyonwho?  Here's my fair warning -- If you speak of how sexy Beyonce is around me, Im going to punch you in the face with significant force.  If sex with with a gargoyle or Beyonce Knowles was presented, I'm not sure I could choose between the two.

Oh, by the way....don't tell me how great she looks post baby when she didn't have a damn baby in the first place.  If you hire a surrogate, just come clean.  Be honest.  Everything else on your body is fake, might as well admit your pregnancy was too.

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