Thursday, February 14, 2013

Man gets hammered...uses taco as ID. (One guess where he's from)

Matthew Falkner found out the hard way after he passed out drunk in the drive-thru of a Jensen Beach Taco Bell and his car caught fire. The incident occurred in the early morning of October 1 in Jensen Beach, according to the blog Off the Beat. Falkner, 30, had apparently decided to make a run for a fourth meal after downing some beers, and he somehow made it all the way to the fast-food joint in his Chevy pickup, placed his order, and received his taco before falling asleep.

 A deputy awoke Falkner and then asked for his ID. Falkner said no before reaching into his bag and presenting the officer with a taco. Another deputy clarified they were asking for an ID, not a taco. Falkner chuckled and began eating the taco.

 Then deputies noticed Falkner had fallen asleep with his foot on the accelerator while his truck was in park. The engine had caught fire, and fire extinguishers were used to put it out. Falkner's blood alcohol content was between .227 and .225, according to a breath test. That's three times the legal limit. He was hauled off to jail on DUI charges. No word on the fate of the taco.

 This guy is a bad ass...except for he's a danger to himself and everyone else in the world. No shock this dip shit is from Florida. Where else are you so sad with your current life direction that you'd get liquored up to a .225 and decide to drive to Taco Bell. When a cop asks you for your ID and you hand them a taco, you have "I don't give a f" or "Life doesn't matter to me anymore" tattooed all over you. I think Taco Bell is a restaurant chain owned by Satan, like Al Pacino in The Devil's Advocate. I think he's got his hands in all the blasphemous and sordid activities that transpire at that restaurant. Think about it. When is the last thing that ever happened that was inspiring or uplifting at a Taco Bell. It's always tragic stories. I know two people that have gotten DUI's either in the drive thru or leaving the drive thru of a Taco Bell. My father used to say, "Nothing good happens after midnight." Well, dad, I'm starting to agree, especially if you're in the line at Taco Bell.

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