Tuesday, February 5, 2013

North Korea be Crazy

North Korea rarely lets its people have electricity because in that God forsaken country the delusional leaders are using it all to create propaganda videos to further brainwash its people. When I was in 5th grade, I was part of an anti-drug movie that we, the students wrote the script for and used a video camera about the size of a Mini Cooper to film. It was horrible, but funny. It was like 1988 so one couldn't expect much. The point is, is that movie was of higher quality than this piece of shit. This rendition of Jackson's "We Are the World" is so funny to me. What instrument is that....harpsichord? I could kick cans down the street and give you something that sounds more like We are the world. Anyway, these clowns are nuts. Sooner or later, either them or Iran will pay enough to get something significant enough to wake people up. I hope I never see that day.
North Korea at Night.

1 comment:

  1. At least they have a space program (or at least intend to). Of course, they are using 50 year old NASA science, but its more than the USA is doing.
