Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Chris Brown always surprises me with his chivalry and self-awareness

Chris Brown is dumber than shit.  Literally, I mean that.  I mean shit is literally smarter than Chris Brown.  I bet his publicist wakes up every single day and cringes as she/he opens her laptop just wondering what idiotic thing he has said or done since over the last 25 min.  In fact, the only thing dumber on this planet than Chris Brown, are Chris Brown fans and Rihanna.  Chris Brown beat a woman this badly:

"...punched her in the left eye with his right hand (and) continued to punch her in the face… The assault caused her mouth to fill with blood and blood to splatter over her clothing and the interior of the vehicle.”

This man is 23 years old and he goes on GMA to reveal that it took him 52 weeks of counseling to know he shouldn't do (^) that.  It literally took 52 weeks to figure out that you can't beat a woman so badly that your car resembles the car from Pulp Fiction when they "shot Marvin in the face."  I would love to get about 10 minutes with Chris Brown.  I would love to see him weep for mercy.  I would beat him down and just when I was about to deliver the final punishing blow, I would honk his nose like Mr Miyagi.  

P.S. Rihanna is very dumb, yet extremely hot.  

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