Thursday, May 16, 2013


Movoto is a real estate website that has come out with a few interesting lists as of late.  What makes the lists particularly interesting is their views on the city of Atlanta.  Let me say, I've lived in many places and nowhere is perfect.  Florida is exceedingly miserable, but even that hell hole has some redeeming qualities...namely no state income tax.  Also, well...that's about it.  What makes me so pissed off about articles like this is that most people are too stupid to see the obvious political slant.  The writer of this article is from Austin Texas.  If you've never been to Austin, it's basically Berkley if Berkley were in a Red State.  What I mean by that is, only people in Berkley think Berkley is cool.  Same with Austin.  Which is why they come up with stupid slogans like, "Keep Austin Weird."  You know what, long as you keep reproducing hipsters, jobless Socialists looking for handouts, self-proclaimed artists and hacky-sack hemp growing champions, you don't have to worry about KEEPING Austin weird.  It'll do just fine on its own.  As for this liberal Movoto writer, I would be shocked if she's ever been to the city of Atlanta. Regardless though, she took the criteria below and ranked American cities and Atlanta came out on top as the "Most redneck City in the America."  First of all, this is ridiculous because not too long ago the same stupid website ranked a city the "Nerdiest City in America."  Guess what city that was...ATLANTA.  How can a city be most redneck and nerdiest at the same time.  To me, that seems a little counterintuitive.  This website has zero credibility, but if I were the capital investors of this waste of cyberspace, I would fire the dogshit out of this writer because the axe she is grinding on Atlanta seems really personal.  If I were to guess, I bet she was interested in a guy here and since Atlanta is essentially the Mecca for single guys, he probably took one whiff of that dirty footed hemp necklaced dreaded Janis Joplin doppelgänger and hauled ass to the first blonde with a real southern accent and a fake rack.  

Another day, another list.  This one, from Movoto's Natalie Grigson, an Austin Native, ranks "The 10 Most Redneck Cities in America," and what do you know there are two texas cities on them.  Yes, Fort Worth and Arlington have been ranked the sixth and seventh most redneck cities in the nation.  The full list:

1. Atlanta, GA
2. Kansas City, MO
3. Oklahoma City, OK
4. Nashville, TN
5. Tulsa, OK
6. Fort Worth, TX
7. Arlington, TX
8. Sacramento, CA
9. Cleveland, OH
10. Mesa, AZ

Sacramento? Sacramento, California? We were skeptical, too, but after looking at their methodology we were less skeptical?
• Percent of population that didn’t complete high school
• Number of gun and ammo stores per capita
• Number of taxidermists per capita
• Number of cowboy boot stores per capita
• Number of country radio stations per capita
• Number of NASCAR race tracks close by
• Number of Walmarts per capita
• Number of riding lawn mower/tractor repair shops per capita

Here is the Nerd Section:

Of course, the creators of the infographic didn’t just pull out the list from their behind. They did have a criteria:
   Number of annual comic book, video game, anime, and
   Sci-fi/fantasy conventions
   People per comic book store
   People per video game store
   People per traditional gaming store
   People per computer store
   People per bookstore
   People per LARPing group
   People per science museum
   Distance to the nearest Renaissance faire

I don’t know about you, but those items are pretty convincing. If I were looking to move to the US, I would definitely use this infographic as a starting point.
So here you go, America’s 10 nerdiest cities:
1.            Atlanta, GA
2.            Portland, OR
3.            Seattle, WA
4.            Sacramento, CA
5.            Minneapolis, MN
6.            Boston, MA
7.            Las Vegas, NV
8.            Miami, FL
9.            San Jose, CA
10.          Denver, CO

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