Thursday, November 28, 2013

A Stroll Through Time.

As many of you know, I'm not one for celebrating "thankfulness" on social media.  I'm not sure why, but I'm much too cynical for that expression of gratitude.  I have been asked to blog a little more since I haven't done this in months.  That said, I have been collecting many photos throughout history and like a few of my posts in the past, I'm going to share them with you.  America may not always be right and we might not always be lead by the someone that represents our ideology, but what we are is a nation of people that believe in freedom.  So many of our ancestors have suffered through unimaginable peril so the people after them can live their lives as God intended.  That being said, I hope you enjoy these and I hope they mean as much to you as they did to me.  Happy Thanksgiving.

Working out on the Titanic.  Too bad someone couldn't whisper in his ear that his rowing would be more fortuitous than he can imagine.   

 This is not Sylvester Stallone in Cliffhanger.  This is not a blue screen.  This is a dichotomy of huge balls or small brains.  
This is the result of battle in the South Pacific during WW2

 Their crime is simply being black.  

This is last public execution in America.
"First Do No Harm" would be a tall order.

Gross Anatomy 1890

This is one of the saddest pictures I've ever seen.  

Hitler and his contemporaries admiring the largest caliber single fire weapon ever created.   

50 years ago, the world mourns the loss of John Fitzgerald Kennedy.  

A slave showing just a few of the visible scars.  Those hidden are too many to count.  

Kent State terror.  1970

The hearse of Abraham Lincoln

Marilyn Monroe in a Funhouse.

Medical School 1800's.   
MLK Jr. and his son remove a cross burned in his yard.  This is how you bring people together.  What an amazing Leader of Civil Rights. 1960 
A soldier removing Hilter street sign and replacing it with Roosevelt in WW2. 'Merica!
Harriet Tubman and rescued slaves pose for a picture.  
King Tut's unopened tomb.
US exploding a German U-Boat

Yes it is. Vietnam 1965

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