Monday, March 10, 2014

Estatic vs Exspecially

Ecstatic vs Exspecially

People.  No.  Stop butchering this language.  It's not difficult.  The improper use of the English language is laziness...nothing more.  When you add letters on everyday words that don't belong, people think you're dumb.  That ESPECIALLY includes me.  Maybe you are, but if you're not, please stop being stupid on purpose.  The charade isn't at all funny.  Next time, take the time to read a dictionary.  Take the time to ensure you know how to read the pronunciation guides with those funny looking characters found in that oh-so-intimidating reference guide.  If you don't, no matter how old you are, it's something good to know.  Learn it and use it as a tool to bounce through this sometimes unfair and hapless life.  I'm sick of hearing these two particularly, but there are literally hundreds more.  I'm happy to expand upon this word list of ignorance and apathy.

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