Thursday, April 3, 2014

My hatred for mankind never waivers

Apparently, people are even dumber than I thought, which for the record, is really really really dumb. Bugchasers are people that search out people infected with the HIV Virus to have sex with in order to contract the virus.  Yes, you read that right.  People actually search out HIV infected people to contract the virus.  WTF is wrong with these numbskulls? HIV isn't herpes or HPV.  This shit is serious.  What's attractive or intriguing about contracting HIV?  It's not like some people beat it, unless they're Magic Johnson, in which the "Magic" is simply 100 dollar bills that allow you 40 pills a day that costs thousands to beat the disease.  I remember being at basketball practice in 7th grade and Magic's press conference came on television.  We all were thinking, "He'll be dead in three years."  Because back then, everyone was terrified of AIDS.  No one knew hardly anything about it.  In 1991, everyone thought the the only way you could've gotten AIDS was to be gay.  Magic changed all that.  I digress.  People are stupid.  Very stupid.  Sure, it's 2014 and HIV isn't necessarily a death sentence, especially if one has money.  That said, who wants HIV?  I joke around about how America is doomed and more and more people are becoming the consumers and less and less people are doing the providing.  It's our ideology in this country that is to blame.  Producing in this country is no longer rewarded.  We penalize success.  We find ourselves apologizing for wealth, for a nice house, for a nice car.  When did this happen to our society?  When did it become faux pas to be successful or demand more from your life?  When did it become a Scarlet Letter to accumulate wealth through hard work and determination?  It's ok for Hollyweird to make billions on films, but not the evil Wall Street.  This country's younger generations have ruined the work ethic, the pride, and the educational desires to remain the beacon of the free market world.  The sad part of that statement is that the majority of this country is too stupid to understand it.

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