Apparently scientists have given the middle finger to the AIDS virus and skin cancer as apparently both have had revolutionary breakthroughs over the past few weeks.
A scientist in Berlin, has cured a man infected with the AIDS virus for more than a decade by giving him a targeted bone marrow transplant. He's been clear of the disease for 20months. Although many scientits still have doubts about the validity of this incident and their ability to replecate the results, it's encouraging for promiscuous hollywood starlets and IV drug users everywhere.
Scientist in Australia, the mecca for melanoma and other forms of skin cancer per capita, have been working on a vaccination for skin cancer. It has been successful in animal trials and is expected to be moved in human testing within the year. The vaccine would work against squamous cell carcinoma, but not against melanoma. The vaccine works by targeting HPV Human Papilloma Virus, which is thought to be responsible for 5% of all cancers. In a related story, HPV is responsible for 100% of the aforementioned starlets' genital warts.
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