I saw these buttons on vetocorleone.com and I'm all for a trendy stuff, but if you're going to wear this stuff, know who and what you're wearing. I bet if you asked, 9 out of 10 would have no clue who Che Guevara was. This is really the fundamental problem with the demographic that was responsible for electing Barack Obama. The younger generations have no intelligent thoughts about politics and government schools don't encourage debate nor do they encourage challenging our Government...well unless it's challenging conservative capitalistic values and/or hating George Bush. Che not only killed people, but was Castro's right hand man and military leader in the revolution over 50 years ago that has broken the Cuban people's spirit, catapulted them into tragic and unforgiving poverty and left them a struggling nation with an unyielding and selfish dictator at the helm. Guevara was also instrumental in bringing the nuclear armed missiles to Cuba from the Soviet Union that exacerbated the Cold War between the US and the Soviet Union in a little known conflict called the Cuban Missile Crisis. Yeah, great guy...so if you're wearing this shirt, you're just an idiot...otherwise, you're a communist.
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