ATLANTA -- A state lawmaker is sponsoring a bill that would require random yearly drug testing for Georgia welfare recipients and those receiving state unemployment benefits.
“We need to make sure that in times like this more than ever that our tax dollars of the people that we represent, that their money is being spent wisely,” said State Rep. Michael Harden, R-Toccoa.
But some lawmakers are calling the idea un-American. State Rep. Tyrone Brooks, D-Atlanta, described the bill as "anti-poor."
Harden’s bill would require those receiving the benefits to foot the bill for the drug tests, which typically cost $25. A positive result would strip a recipient of his or her benefits.
“We’re talking about saving millions, if not tens of millions. Not to mention, we are going to be able to identify those people who have addiction problems and get them some help,” said Harden.
“I think it’s very reasonable idea,” said Kiera Nelson of Atlanta. “If you worked for a job, you would be getting drug tested.”
“I kind of feel like it is a little invasive myself, as far as being in people’s personal lives,” said Jason Ward of Atlanta.
CBS Atlanta’s Rebekka Schramm asked Harden what would happen to children whose parents test positive for drugs.
“Well, that’s a very valid question,” Harden said. “That’s something that was thought out in depth. We’re not going to allow our state’s most precious and most vulnerable to drop through the cracks because of something that their parents or guardians are participating in. We’re going to get parents the help and we’re going to make sure that those dollars go to those kids and that’s what it’s intended to do.”
Finally. Asking someone contributing nothing to society to take a drug test in order to receive benefits is not only reasonable, it's vital. It's vital for our tax system. It's vital for our crime rate. It's vital for our children. If I were to apply for a job, I would most certainly be drug tested. Why shouldn't people living off of the hand of tax payers? The tax payers funding these people's lives get up every morning and commute to their place of drug free employment or else. Why should we demand less of welfare recipients. Arguing that it would be bad for children to be taken away from their drug addicted, parasitic parents is the most illogical argument I've ever heard. Removing drugs from the lives of children might give them their only chance of living a healthy and viable life. If you're reading this and finding yourself disagreeing with this bill, whether you're on drugs or not, makes you part of the problem. This isn't a case of civil liberties being violated. You can refuse the test; conversely, the Government can refuse to keep paying you for being a drug addict drain on society. Last time I checked, drug addict was not something listed on your W-2. Let the Government help you. Use the nearly broken Welfare system to teach you how to fish. It can feed you for a lifetime.
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