Tuesday evening will reveal just how much Americans still love individual liberty and freedom. After two years of the most liberal Presidency ever, a Congress that passes legislation that overwhelming majorities of Americans despise, and confidence in Washington is at an all time low, Americans enter the voting booth with an opportunity to change everything. Democrats have done exactly what their campaigns said they would do. President Obama, on the other hand, is a different story. Reuniting Washington couldn't be further from the truth. With his liberal agenda, he's created a chasm between both sides of the isle no one can reach across. It's these arrogant policies, this blind spending, that has had his part on the ropes for months leading up to this day. Jeb Bush once said, "Liberals get themselves in trouble when they adhere to the core policies of their party. Republicans, however, get themselves in trouble when they abandon the core principles of the party. That's exactly what happened the eight years during George Bush. The party abandoned fiscal conservatism and continued spending money and expanding government programs. That's not the government the Framers of the Constitution had in mind. In a closed booth, aside from the zealots of both ends of the spectrum, most Americans don't care about social issues, but fiscally, most working Americans are conservative. That's the independent vote that elected President Obama. Conversely, Democrats find themselves clawing and scraping to keep their stronghold in Washington due to the direction they've taken America against the will of the American people. Health Care legislation no one wanted, stimulus packages that didn't work, massive increases in debt, will undoubtably be the things people remember as they enter the voting booth Tuesday. Despite President Obama calling his opponents his enemies, I'm just an American that doesn't need government in my life for anything other than my protection. My enemy is not my President, but the Islamic idiots that are sending mail bombs all over this globe. This administration needs a wake up call and I'm pretty sure tonight by 10pm, America's Liberty Bell that last rang in 1846, tonight, will ring again.
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