The world of sports and porn have seen their share of awesome staches, but none can rival this gem. In fact, I'm pretty sure this is the best mustache ever groomed by man.
From ESPN:
Meet Evan Fjeld, owner of the thickest mustache this side of Tom Selleck. The Dagger's Matt Norlander caught Fjeld's stache in Vermont's loss to UConn Wednesday night, and while Fjeld's 26 points may not have earned the Catamounts the upset, his mustache no doubt left a more lasting impact on everyone at the XL Center in Hartford, Conn. Couple it with Fjeld's hair style of choice -- an unkempt bowl-looking thing more suited to a 1970s music video -- and, well, you have to your cap. Evan Fjeld's got swag, kids. We are not worthy.
Fortunately enough, the mustache comes just in time for Movember, a month dedicated to the growth of facial hair to raise awareness for the No. 1 type of cancer afflicting men: prostate cancer. Just think: If we could all grow mustaches this thick, prostate cancer wouldn't stand a chance.
Huge Kudos to the Catamounts and their ridiculous mustache.
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