It's a shame Rihanna wasted all that time with Chris Brown. He seems like such a little b%##%. He's one of those guys I would love to hit one time. It would be a one punch knock out. Then everybody would jumping around screaming, "ohhhhhhh!!!!" with their hands over their mouths and I would just be like kind of smiling because, well, I did just KO a dude with one punch. Anyway, back to Chris Brown being a little B%$%#. Don't you have to be to hit a girl, especially one that looks like this (Look Up). That might have come out wrong because certainly I didn't mean that a gorgeous and sexy woman like this doesn't deserve to be hit(Look up one more time), but a less attractive one does. That's just ridiculous, unless of course your name is Samantha Rosnon, Dina Lohan, or Beyonce in that Direct TV commercial about upgrading to HD. Regardless, girls like Rihanna have no choice except stardom. When you're this hot, what else is there. You can stay in your home town and live your life while everyone hates you, or you can move to Hollywood or New York and make millions in the entertainment or modeling industry. It's simple really. Wanna know something else that's simple...typing Rihanna nude pics in my google search bar...smell you later!
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