Maryland police say a man became stuck to a Walmart store toilet seat after someone spread glue on it.
It happened Thursday evening at a store in Elkton. Officials refused to say how long the man was stuck before he was able to get help.
Police say emergency workers removed the seat from the toilet and took the man out with seat still attached to him. The seat was removed at the emergency room at Union Hospital.
Police say the incident is a second-degree assault case that may have been a random prank the night before April Fool's Day.
Am I the only one reading this article that can't stop wondering why in the hell anyone on Earth would sit on the seat at a public restroom, much less Wal-Mart. I'd rather go bareback with Pamela Anderson followed by Magic Johnson than be forced to sit on the seat at Wally World. Then, this poor schmuck has to go to the hospital to get it removed. It's like those guys that slip in the shower and a dildo goes up up their ass. Yeah ok, buddy. Sure it did. Now that i think about it though, if there really was one time where a guy did slip and a dildo went you know where, I feel really badly for that dude. That's one time where it's better to tell the lie.
Thanks JB!
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