On June 6, as our service men and women are scattered throughout the world defending the freedoms of the greatest nation civilization has ever known, we should be reminded what an unforgiving hell our soldiers faced as they stared evil in the eyes and stormed those beaches in northern France 67 years ago. Not unlike today, we forget the ultimate sacrifices so many have paid so we can burn a flag in protest or scream to the top of our lungs in defiance of our Government. Those aren't actions of courage. Courage is standing shoulder to shoulder with brothers whom you've never met, and as the doors to your boat open to a barrage of gunfire and deafening explosions, you run side-by-side up the sandy blood stained beaches stepping over your fallen brethren. That level of courage is unimaginable. When you're walking through the aiport, standing in line at Subway, walking down the sidealk on the way to your office, tell a soldier thank you. Buy a soldier's lunch. Tell an elderly veteran you haven't forgotten the sacrifices he/she made. Remember just how special America is, and most importantly, never forget the price of freedom.
God Bless America.
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