Mila Kunis is a pretty damn cool girl. First, she's from Ukraine so other than living an American dream of rags to riches, she doesn't owe this country very much. To her credit though, this Marine, stationed in Afghanistan, sent Mila a message through Youtube. As it turns out and lucky for him, it went viral. So viral in fact, Justin Timberlake saw this video and called Mila, whom I'm certain is his new conquest, and encouraged her to accept this invitation. I've has a secret mancrush bromance with JT and this furthers my point. He's just cool. Well now, so is this Marine because without a doubt, he's going to have the hottest chick at the Marine Corps Ball. Enjoy this video and if you're a dude reading this, imagine how bad ass this would be to take Mila Kunis to a Ball with all your boys green with envy. If you're a girl, try to look more like Mila Kunis.
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