Jerry Sandusky, the rapist enabled by Penn State coaches and officials, had his house vandalized. It seems a large object was thrown through his window, which is now covered by a sheet. As much of a monster as this guy is, the person that did that should be thrown in jail. Violence is never the answer. Unless cutting this guy's nuts off is in the cards. Call me crazy, but the person I feel most sorry for, aside from the innocent boys of course, is Sandusky's wife, assuming she knew nothing of his alternative existence. If women can be married to serial killers for 25 years, one would have to imagine hiding pedophilia would certainly be possible. It would be horrible being in your 60's and married to man for years to learn he's been a thief of the innocence of young boys for at least 10 years. Satan will have a special room in hell for this guy. Until then, or until he's sentenced to spend the rest of miserable, worthless life in jail where pedophiles are treated by fellow inmates the way the law won't allow them to be treated outside of prison, his house sits adjacent to.....wait for it....a school. His window overlooks a school playground. You can't make this stuff up. At 5:00am this morning, as I was on my way to work and listening to Howard Stern, he said something seemingly obvious. If you have enough money to have a much better view, since most people desire landscapes of mountains or water, and your view is a school playground, you should be investigated by the FBI because there's a solid chance you rape boys in the shower. Just sayin'.
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