Allegedly, Paris Fashion Week just wrapped up last week. If you were an alien from another universe and those words were spoken with the included picture, you would assume Paris Fashion Week was something involving tortuous rabid centaurs that had come to wipe out all life on planet Earth. I could live to 219 years old and I wouldn't understand how this chick is famous, or better yet, considered a fashion icon. The reason I know men will never, ever understand women is because women's heart rates increase at the thought of a new Sex and the City movie coming out and men would rather cut off our penises than be forced to watch this horse-looking atrocity portray a hot chick in New York that gets laid by millionaires fighting over her. I've seen more believable stories at Obama campaign rallies.
1 comment:
I remember she was hot in Honeymoon in Vegas, but been all down hill after that
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