Penelope Soto, 18, was arrested for possession of Xanax and was brought before Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Jorge Rodriguez-Chomat Monday, where she was asked about her assets.
Soto, who was sporting orange jail clothes and smiled and stroked her hair through the proceeding, laughed when she was asked how much her jewelry was worth.
"It's not a joke, you know, we're not in a club now," Rodriguez-Chomat told her. "We are not in a club, be serious about it."
"I'm serious about it, you just made me laugh," Soto replied. "You just made me laugh, I apologize. It's worth a lot of money."
"Like what?" the judge asked.
"Like Rick Ross. It's worth money," she said.
The judge, not understanding the odd reference to the South Florida rapper, asked Soto if she's taken any drugs in the past 24 hours.
"Actually, no," she replied.
Rodriguez-Chomat set her bond at $5,000 and said "bye,bye," and Soto laughed and replied "Adios."
Annoyed, Rodriguez-Chomat summoned her back and reset her bond at $10,000, shocking Soto.
"Are you serious," she asked.
"I am serious. Adios," he replied.
Soto started to walk away when she flipped Rodriguez-Chomat her middle finger and blurted "[expletive] you."
My grandfather always joked, "If you want justice, go to a whorehouse. If you wanna get screwed go to the courthouse." Now of course, he said that flippantly, much like he said most things. I don't disagree with him too much though. My problem isn't with the judges ruling; after all, she was guilty. Criminals break the law and they should be punished. The problem I have is that criminal behavior is glorified through video games, movies, TV, magazines, music, celebrity, etc. I walk such a fine line here considering my staunch Libertarianism. Personal responsibility is first and foremost. Without that, there is no order. It's just that everyone isn't as smart as me. When morons watch Lindsey Lohan spend most of her 20's in court and nothing happens, it tricks them into believing this nonsense goes unpunished. It doesn't. If people weren't such pansies about punishing criminals none of this would even matter. We should send them to strenuous and tortuous work camps. Get something out of these degenerates. We should put them on huge farms in Kansas and make them produce their own food. Teach them to repair tractors, crop management, anything to give the ones who want reform a chance. If you don't wanna play by the rules, we'll give you a different game to play. This one involves immense heat, a sledgehammer and taking huge rocks and turning them into much smaller ones all day every day. Did I mention immense heat. It simply costs the law abiding producers in this country too damn much money to continue providing them with luxuries that many families in poverty don't even have. It's sickening. I have no remorse for multiple offenders. And not only do I have no remorse for criminals that break into homes of gun owners, but I get giddy when I hear stories like that. Insensitive, maybe to you and your guilt, but not me. Break in my home, you will die or walk out with a severe limp, but only because I emptied the clip trying to give you a dirt nap. I bet Ms Soto thinks twice before telling a judge to F himself.