This son-of-a-bitch stole my schtick. I've been making fun of Florida for 10 years. Why? Because I lived there and Florida sucks. If you're a pedophile, a murderer, a meth cooker, drug addict, racially confused and envious white boy driving an import straight out of Fast and Furious, a Budweiser tank-top/Mr. T gold chain wearing redneck, or a drug smuggler/dealer/cartel, then Florida is perfect for you. Otherwise, it's just a miserably humid place that gets rain every day around 5pm has no income tax and a lot of tragic people and events. Well this guy, he took my idea of poking fun at the evolutionary bronze medal winners, Floridians, and came up with this awesome Twitter handle and tweets out all of the ridiculous stories in and around that Godforsaken state. Never say never, but I'd rather cook meth out of a station wagon that I live in than move back to that hell hole. Enjoy this guy...it's funny as hell.
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