Thursday, October 15, 2009

Bless her heart...

Jessica Simpson is like a stupidity ninja.

"Daisy meant the world to me," she told at a QVC event in NYC Tuesday. "I hold her memory very, very close. It was an unfortunate thing what happened. That I don't have her every day ... It's a very hard thing to talk about."

The 5-year-old Malti-Poo went missing on Sept. 14 in Los Angeles. That night, she created a missing dog poster that read "I Miss My Mommy ... Daisy" all over her neighborhood. After a frantic weeks-long search, Simpson gave up.

Simpson has mixed feelings on whether she'll buy another dog, but she's sure how Daisy would feel about it. "I haven't really thought about another dog yet, but maybe sometime. [Daisy] would want that."

Daisy would want that? I miss my mommy? WTF is she talking about? Her dog would want that? No she wouldn't. Her dog doesn't give 2 shits. All dogs want is to be cared for aka (BE FED), and have sex with another dog if they still have their working parts, your leg if they don't. Being taken out is optional because they'll be more than happy to drop a deuce on your floor or pee on the fake ficus tree in the corner. Jessica Simpson is so dumb, I'm surprised she can carry out normal daily activities. It wouldn't shock me if some mornings she uses hair gel for tooth paste and q-tips for tampons. Dating her would be like dating a dalmation. They're beautiful to look at, but you know at any second they're going to truly amaze you with their overwhelming propensity for doing and saying stupid things.

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