Thursday, January 17, 2013

Athletes to admire are a dying breed.

I've given up on integrity in sports.  It's one thing to juice your ass off and dominate your sport while shattering record books and giving yourself testicular cancer i.e. Lance Armstrong, Barry Bonds, etc, but it's another thing entirely to deny it when it's obvious to anyone with a brain you cheated.  Barry Bonds batted lead off at Arizona State.  He weighed a buck 70.  In the height of his cheating, his traps weighed 170 lbs.  This has become my barometer to identify morons when I talk to them.  If they tell me Armstrong, Bonds, McGuire, Clemens, etc. didn't cheat, I distance myself from them as rapidly as possible.  It's simply impossible to refute unless you're either blind or stupid.  Bodies don't lean out at 35+ years old while adding 30 lbs of  muscle.  Sadly, that's not evolution's/God's design.  If you're wondering what happens to the athlete's body when you stop juicing, see below...and yes that's the same person.  I hope you never make the Hall of Fame.       

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