Monday, January 14, 2013

J-Lo can't help but BE REAL.

In a recent interview with Harper's Bazaar, Jennifer Lopez made an incredible effort to identify with her fan base.  That's the thing about J-Lo, when you think of humility and down-to-earth benevolence, you immediately think of Jennifer Lopez.  As she was describing her c-r-a-z-y life and how she stays "grounded" she had this to say:

"I like the whole idea of traveling, of looking good, and doing it well.  I make it as simple and as beautiful as I can because my life is kind of big.  So I pack my luggage, or dress myself, or comb my kid's hair, or pick up their clothes -- that makes our life beautiful, you know?  There's something very elegant in that."

Wait...WHAT?  Did I just seriously hear her say she keeps it simple by dressing herself?  What the hell is the alternative?  Lie in bed and have her "people" prepare her for the day?  This is precisely why people like me hate people like her.  If someone tells me again that he/she likes J-Lo because she's just Jenny from the Block, I'm gonna give no warning, I'm just gonna start punching.  In the face.  Hard.  If an alien came down from outer space that was 40 feet tall and had green hair and spoke in beeps and whistles and ate people, I would immediately have more in common with it than I do this insufferable human being.  Why life rewards people like this with fortune is beyond anything I can comprehend.

Dont be confused by the rocks that Ive got...Im still Im still Jenny from the block.  Used to have a little, now I have a lot...FML

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