Monday, January 14, 2013

No, this is not a joke. She's deadly serious.

"The best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it." -Benjamin Franklin

Years from now, or next year, depending on the level of continued spending, when the demise of America is studied, entitlements will be looked upon as the single most detrimental issue in the collapse of our society.  In fact, entitlements aren't as much of the problem.  It's more entitlement attitude.  I've said before, entitlement attitude is not innate to human beings.  It's learned.  It is contrary to our instinctual evolutionary urges for survival.  Human beings have always been responsible for their own survival, but our Government has created for themselves an opportunity to limit escalation for people out of poverty and in turn, solidify a group of voters that are ironically convinced they can't survive without the very thing that keeps them down.

This video encapsulates everything that is breaking down with our society.  When someone keeps having children they can't afford while blaming others and demanding someone else take care of them, what's left to do?  Nothing.  Our country has reached its tipping point.  We've not only lost the battle when it comes to a producer/consumers, we've lost the war.  Critical mass has been reached and it will never return.  As I've said a hundred times at least, "When the majority realizes they can vote themselves the treasury, the show is over.  America is defeated by its own selfishness, ineptitude and helplessness.  America can and will be defeated, but it will come from within.  You can't multiply money by dividing it.  It won't be long now.  

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