Tuesday, May 21, 2013

People like beer it seems.

In the most obvious conclusion of a scientific article ever written, some clowns came to the conclusion that drinking beer...wait for it...makes you want to drink more beer.  NO WAY!

"Researchers have discovered that sensory cues associated with drinking may stimulate certain parts of the brain and cause a craving for more alcohol. Giving people a very small amount of the brand of beer they most frequently consume produced a desire to drink that was correlated with the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that helps control the brain’s reward-and-pleasure centers."

I don't want to point out the obvious, but I like beer.  The only time I like beer more is when I taste beer.  I don't know if this study was subsidized by the US Government, but I could've saved them tons of money and come to the same conclusion.  Beer tastes good.  I like Beer.  Beer makes me want to drink more. The end.  You're welcome. 

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