Thursday, May 23, 2013

Where has our desire, as citizens, to fight for this country gone?

There is a great big problem in this country with our Government.  Too many times these days, the blame is placed on either the parties in this country or the people in power.  In reality, it's neither of those.  The problems all arise from the positions of power in this country.  They are the genesis for all the problems.  The positions are too coveted.  For example, one always leaves office with exponentially more wealth than they started from under-the-table deals and lobbyist "donations".  Also, there are no term limits, there's car limo services paid for by the people, housing, where some most of our elected officials rendezvous with their mistresses and run gay brothels.  There are scores of quid-pro-quos, benefits and retirement until death, to name a few of the ridiculous benefits.  You can't point to political parties as the root of this evil.  People are being molded into sheep.  They are molded and shaped and pointed in the direction of the party urged into.  The things the parties offer in return for a vote creates the sheep.  I don't believe that apathy, indifference and a desire to be taken care of are inherent human traits.  I think it goes against the survival gene that we all inherently exhibit.  After all, it is the impetus for human beings having reproductive success throughout history.  I think independence, liberty and personal responsibility are instinctual.  It is innate.  Our forefathers even knew this to be true.  The contrary are all shaped ideologies.  They're shaped by the people holding the offices and desiring to keep the position.  They all send messages to the impoverished that, "If you join our party, we will take care of you," or "If you join our party, we will protect your liberties."  The enemy is not a political party.  The enemy is the growing desire for the seat and the power within the seat.  Where are the term limits?  What happened to the days when being a Senator or Congressman wasn't your job, rather something you did out of love for country.  Something has to change with the permanence of our politicians.  Something has to change the desire for these positions at any cost to the people these positions represent.  Something has to change in our Government that protects the people, not the elitist leaders in Washington that cannot relate to their constituents.  Something has to be done by the people of this country to regain the control of our government.  We cannot continue to prop up these elected officials for reasons as silly as ballot familiarity or handouts.  We, as a nation, must be smarter.  Instead of transitioning into a nation of individuals disseminating power, we're being led into chains of aristocracy. The time is now.

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